Account-Abilities LLC provide a wide range of services to individuals and businesses of all industries. At Account-Abilities LLC, we strive to meet your business needs to enable you to spend more time doing what you do best...manage your business. We also provide cost effective solutions for users of QuickBooks financial software. Our professional services include:
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Tax Planning & Preparation Services[/column]
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Small Business Services[/column]
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Bookkeeping Services[/column]
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Payroll Services[/column]
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Sales Tax Services[/column]
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QuickBooks Assistance & Training[/column]
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New Business Formation Services[/column]
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Entity Selection and Restructuring[/column]
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IRS Assistance[/column]
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CPA Services*[/column]
Tax Planning & Preparation Services
At Account-Abilities LLC we guide our clients through a full range of tax planning and preparation decisions that minimize your tax liabilities. Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. We are knowledgeable and up to date on the tax laws and can make sense of your receipts, bills and notices. Tax planning is an essential element of the tax preparation process. You can use our experience and access to the most current developments in the new tax laws to minimize both current and future tax liabilities. Our significant investment in computerized tax preparation software enables us to accurately and efficiently prepare returns for various types of entities including individuals, corporations, partnerships, and LLC's. We offer E-Filing with Tax Returns along with Direct Deposits.
We are an authorized E-File Provider.
Small Business Services
From start-ups to established enterprises, businesses rely on accurate financial information in order to maintain profitability and capitalize on new opportunities. Account-Abilities LLC services guide you closer to these goals with accurate record-keeping and reporting in a timely and accurate manner as well as support on financial issues. Our firm provides a full range of cost effective services including the following:
- Bookkeeping (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual)
- Reconcile bank accounts
- Quickbooks setup
- Computerized payroll processing
- Sales Tax processing
- Personal financial statements
- Provide unlimited consultations
- Computerized payroll processing
- Online Banking Setup
- General ledger and financial statement preparation
We can set up financial reports for your view to streamline your business and save you valuable time. These reports are important tools that can guide your business in making financial decisions, planning, and evaluating performance. We have many different types of package prices that will fit your business needs.
Bookkeeping Services
One of the leading causes of business failure is inadequate recordkeeping. Accurate record-keeping is essential to a successful business yet can also be complicated and time consuming. We at Account-Abilities LLC can help you with the organization and day-to-day tasks of bookkeeping so that you can focus on managing your business.
Payroll Services
At Account-Abilities LLC, we can eliminate the risks of calculating and filing your own payroll. We can setup and process your payroll, payroll tax deposits and prepare your monthly, quarterly, and annual payroll reports. We offer payroll tax processing through EFTPS tax deposits. We also prepare W-2, W-3 and 1099 forms with your annual reports. If you want to do your payroll then we setup, train and support you or your bookkeeper to process your payroll, payroll tax deposits and prepare your monthly, quarterly, and annual payroll forms.
Sales Tax Services
At Account-Abilities LLC we can assist your company in the compilation of information and preparation of sales tax returns in an efficient and timely manner. Businesses are responsible for collecting and submitting applicable sales tax. Many business owners have limited time in the office to schedule tax payments; therefore, causing large penalties. We offer sales tax processing through web-file so you will no longer have to worry about timely payments or penalties.
QuickBooks Assistance & Training
QuickBooks can provide useful and timely information in the form of financial statements, reports and graphs. However, it can only provide this information if you purchase the right product and then install, setup and use it properly. We don't just help you use the software; we help you use it more efficiently and more effectively.
Account-Abilities LLC offers the following services to help meet your QuickBooks needs:
Quickbooks Seminars
- Account-Abilities LLC provides training seminars for all skill levels, Register
Here, class size is limited. We also offer one-on-one or several individuals within your organization at your company's location. Call us now to schedule a date
QuickBooks On-Site Repair or Installation
- We install QuickBooks on your standalone computer or in a network environment, in either single- or multi-user mode. We assist new QuickBooks users with initial setup. We also assist experience users manage their businesses more effectively by improving their current setup. Many users experience problems and lack the ability to generate and track important information as a result of inadequate setup. If setup is done properly, this makes errors less time consuming to correct which in turn is less costly.
- Our QuickBooks support service can assist you with any installation, setup or operation assistance you might need. In addition, our support is not limited just to the software part of it, but we can also provide any other assistance needed. You will find comfort in knowing that the answers to your QuickBooks questions are only an email or phone-call away.
- Our QuickBooks review service helps companies that have the human resources to perform daily bookkeeping and payroll tasks, but need an expert to review your transactions, accounts and reports. This will show you internal controls are in place. This review ensures that you receive timely, relevant and reliable financial information. We also inform you of any corrections, adjustments or reclassifications necessary to ensure that the financial information you receive reflects the correct financial condition of your business. Reviews may be conducted at any time, but monthly reviews provide you with up-to-date information and feedback about your business.
- With remote access, at Account-Abilities LLC, we can work on your books while you are off for the weekend, or out of the office. Remote access is used when your QuickBooks file gets too large to send over the internet. When your company file is small enough, you can send it to us through email or web portalafter business hours and we will get everything completed before the end of the next business day.
- Account-Abilities LLC offers consultation sessions on a as needed basis to assist you in understanding how to interpret and utilize your financial information. Assistance is just an email or phone call away.
New Business Formation Services
Opening your own business is exciting. It's everything that comes after the excitement has worn off that dictates whether a small business will make it or not. A methodical plan of action is needed to run a successful business. We help you avoid the common pitfalls that many new small business owners make when starting their new venture.
- Entity selection and restructuring
- QuickBooks software selection, implementation, and support
- Establish billing & collection procedures
- Provide payroll and payroll tax filing
- Prepare and file all required state and local taxes
- Preparation of appropriate federal & state tax return
Entity Selection and Restructuring
Your business entity has a large impact on your taxes and other liabilities. From your company's inception through its growth and development, Account-Abilities LLC can guide you on choosing an entity type and later assisting in restructuring if advantageous. With our knowledge, you will always be receiving the most advantageous entity type for the functions your business performs.
IRS Assistance
We at Account-Abilities LLC can assist you with the IRS and tax authorities' correspondence letters. We assist you with letters and or phone correspondence to the taxing authorities so you can get closure. Most clients do not understand how the tax authorities work and are afraid to respond to letters they receive, therefore postponing their response until interest and penalties mount. At Account-Abilities LLC, our experience with the tax authorities enables us to guide clients in obtaining the correct forms and information as quickly as possible to put your worries at ease.
CPA Services
When the need for CPA Services arise, we have your covered. Through our affiliation with a local CPA, Account-Abilities LLC has expanded its service offerings. Our affiliation allows us to tap into the 15+ years of experience of a local CPA with expertise in all aspects of tax services:
-Personal/Business Tax Planning and Compliance
-Estate Planning
-Gift Tax Planning/Compliance
-IRS Representation
-Transactional Planning/Compliance
Services are affordable and billed through Account-Abilities LLC. No hassle, no worries, Account-Abilities LLC looking out for you.
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